School Age Care

The SAC Program provides before- and after-school care, early dismissal, non-school day, snow day and summer care enrichment and support for our K-5th grade students.

New for the 2024-2025 school year, child care will now be available to four-year-old students enrolled in the District's Bright Beginnings Preschool. Child care will be held at Roosevelt Community School on all days that four-year-olds are attending their preschool program. A separate handbook has been developed for this specific program. Check the link to the left tab for more details about the program, including direct links to the online registration system.

School Age Care and PreK Child Care are designed to provide a wide range of fun and exploratory activities to students including, creative projects, sports, childhood games, board games, reading time, creative and dramatic play, science exploration, community service, community special events participation and occasional field trips. Children of all ages will have time for independent and collaborative play.

Costs include an annual non-refundable registration fee plus a weekly care fee.

To do our part in providing a "Greener World," we will not be printing the Handbook unless requested. We will be updating our Handbook and Registration form, please take a look for new information.  You may view it online and download if you choose. Please read the Handbook before registering.